In my Product Design class, my classmates and I were each tasked to design a knife that would be ideal for people with one-handed dexterity. In theory, this design consideration would lead to a better knife for a wider range of users.
We looked at knives on the market designed for one-handed use, and noted their variety. We compared their strengths and weaknesses, and considered what elements we thought could be employed in our own products.
After a sketching exercise designed to stretch our imaginations, we discussed our ideas.
Prototype handle shapes, for testing and feedback.
Presenting our final designs to our classmates.
After I made my final version, I brought it back to the chefs for their opinion. They really liked the feel of the grip, the slicing motion that the blade allowed for, and its design from an aesthetic point. Their main critique, as that of my classmates, was that the knife handle was not as comfortable as possible for those in the class with the largest hands. If I could update this design, I would allow for even more space between the knuckles and the lower blade, hopefully without compromising the product’s slim arching profile.
The knife designs of my classmates and myself. I was amazed at the range of valid solutions to a single design challenge.